
Staff at Domino’s Pizza Dutch Franchisee Can Now Be Paid With BTC

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Immensus Holdings, a Franchisee of Domino’s pizza in the Netherlands with 16 stores, has just started to offer its employees the possibility of being paid with Bitcoin, CoinDesk reports.

The move coincides with the celebration of Bitcoin’s pizza day, which commemorates the first Bitcoin transaction on May 22, 2010. Then, Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoins, which at the time was equivalent to $30.

Now, the over 1,000 employees of the Domino’s fanchisee can opt to receive their salary in BTC thanks to the partnership between the pizza store and Dutch fiat-to-cryptocurrency gateway BTC Direct.

Immensuus co-owner Jonathan Gurevich said:

“We work with a lot of young employees. We hear them talking about bitcoin and we want to offer the opportunity to own cryptocurrency.”