CoinEx to Stops Offering Services to US Users
One of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, CoinEx, has recently announced that it will no longer be serving customers in the United States. The company has said one of the reasons behind the decision is the “regulatory complexity” of the American market.
This comes as a surprise since CoinEx has been actively operating in the US since its launch in 2018. The exchange has been one of the most popular platforms in the US, and has been praised for its user-friendly interface and wide range of services.
The company has said that all US users have until the end of April 2021 to close their accounts and withdraw any remaining funds. The company added that it will continue to serve customers in other parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and South America.
Recall that the US government has been cracking down on cryptocurrency exchanges that fail to comply with its regulations, and many other exchanges have also stopped serving US customers due to the same reasons.