Russian Banks Start Testing Operations with Digital Ruble

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Some Russian banks have started to test operations with the digital ruble or are actively preparing for its start, TASS reports.

Russian bank Promsvyazbank is already piloting C2C payments. After that, technical testing of С2В-, В2С- and В2В-payments will begin, said Maxim Khrustalev, adviser to the deputy chairman of the bank.

Tinkoff Bank plans to start testing the asset in the near future, while VTB has announced the infrastructure for the pilot is ready. VTB has noted:

“Piloting includes integration with the digital ruble platform and the introduction of services, such as opening an individual’s wallet through a mobile application and digital ruble transfers between individuals.”

The first pilot group for testing the digital ruble includes 12 banks.

The Central Bank of Russia announced last month that a prototype platform for the new asset was ready.