
Someone Pays 12 ETH for Steve Jobs’ NFT Job Application

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Steve Jobs’ 1973 job application has been sold for 12 Ethers, according to Business Insider.

A group of friends called Winthorpe Ventures have put on sale both the physical and NFT version of Steve Job’s job application to find out which of them is more valuable.

The NFT was put on sale on July 28 on the marketplace Rarible and an unknown user paid 12 ETH for the non-fungible token (about $27,500 when the transaction took place).

The organizers of the action wrote:

“By putting the NFT and original physical job application up for auction simultaneously, the sale will test the appetite for digital assets in contrast with physical equivalents. This first-of-its-kind auction will challenge the notion of value in the physical and digital world. The result of the auction will show if true value can be embodied in both or whether one medium is leading the way.”

The answer to the question was very clear, as the physical copy of the application was sold for $ 343,000 at the Snoofa auction, meaning that it was sold at a price 10 times higher than that of the digital copy of the document.