
BTC Mining Facility Operator Compute North Will Have 1.2 Gigawatts of Mining Capacity in 1 year

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Compute North, a Bitcoin mining facility operator, has just announced it plans to have a mining capacity of as much as 1.2 gigawatts in 12 months, The Block reports.

According to the company CEO Dave Perrill, the firm currently building 5 sites and plans to launch them by the end of the second quarter of next year.

We should take into account that the company already operates mining sites in Texas, Nebraska and South Dakota with a total capacity of 100 megawatts. However, the company CEO has not disclosed where it plans to locate the new facilities, which will be powered by both renewable and fossil fuel sources.

It is worth remembering that the second-hand market of Bitcoin miners if flooded with a lot of devices because of China’s crackdown on crypto mining. Now miners are looking for other places to install their devices.

In relation to this, Perrill said:

“We were receiving requests for 100 megawatts on average over the past several weeks although some of them may be duplicated through brokers.”